Rent Your Performance Space For Less
Is the auditorium or theatre that you rent for your recital too expensive? Try this tip. Sometimes, if you're non/profit or giving proceeds to charity, you can lease your performance space for less or free. From your proceeds pay yourself, your staff, and other costs and then make a donation to a local charitable organization. There are many benefits. It is great publicity for your dance studio and it will make those who buy a ticket feel like it is for a good cause. Your local newspapers should publish you for free for making a charitable donation. Every year, pick a different oraganization for around your community to make your donation to. Have people from that oraganization come and help at your recital. Have them sell tickets, usher, hand out programs, sell flowers or concessions, clean up, or help you with whatever else you need. Make sure you state in the show's program about the organization, your proceeds going to charity, and about your past donations.
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