Changing Tights Without Taking Off The Leotard
Do you need to change your tights quickly, but have to wear the same leotard? Are you changing in an open or visible area where you need to be discrete or are you around male dancers or stagehands? This is a great way to change your tights without taking off your leotard or bodice. Slip your hands under the legs of your leotard and grab the waist of the tights. Pull the waist down until you can step one leg out of the tights. With your hands, ball up the empty tight leg and push it through the front of the crotch of your leotard to the other side. Slip your hands again under the leg of your leotard on the side that still has the leg in the tight. Pull that side of the tight's waist down until you can step the second leg out of the tight. You now have your tights off but your leotard still on.
If you need to put tights on without removing a leotard, follow the pattern in reverse. Step one leg into the tights and pull it up as far as you can. Ball the other tight leg up and push it through the front of the crotch of your leotard. Step your other leg into the tights and pull the waist of the tights all the way up, while reaching under and up the legs of your leotard. It's genious!

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