Act I
"No Business Like Show Business"
*The theme of this show is to celebrate the world of musical theatre."
No Business Like Show Business- Annie Get Your Gun
Open the show with a high energy, exciting number to the music that is the theme of your show. Costume your dancers in bling and use one of the many versions of the song. You can use the original song by Ethel Merman or a dance mixe of No Business Like Showbusiness. Incorporate some props such as the dancers dancing with glittery stars.
If They Could See Me Now- Sweet Charity
Continue the glitz with another classic, featuring dancers a little younger than the opening number. Costume them in feathers-Wow!
We're In The Money- 42nd Street
Continue the theme of sparkle, but with $. Costume dancers in gold & green and tap to the classic We're In The Money. An idea for props would be to tap on or hold large wooden coins sprayed silver or gold.
Put On A Happy Face- Bye Bye Birdie
This is an adorable number for little dancers. Costume them in yellow tutus with happy faces on the front of their leotards. Use the version of the song from the Bye Bye Birdie TV movie featuring Jason Alexander. If these little dancers need help on stage, have an older dancer accompany each little girl during the dance. At the end have each older girl & little girl duo do a different lift & bow before exiting the stage. This will create much applause.
Scene II
*The costuming suggestion for this scene is to portray the rags to riches look for all the dances except for the fairies and the last dance in the scene.*
Hard Knock Life- Annie
Everyone knows this song. Have fun incorporating a little acting and lip syncing into this dance. Use buckets, mops, brooms, sponges, and even pillowfights into the choreography.
On My Own- Les Miserables
Turn a little serious and do a lyrical routine with older students. Costume them in short flowing dresses that are a darker colored.
Magic Fairies- Castle On A Cloud-Les Miserables
Have the dancers from the previous dance stay on stage in sleeping positions. Have your littlest dancers come out in tutus and magic wands. Have them dance to Castle On A Cloud and wave their fairy wands over the sleeping dancers to wake them up.
Tomorrow- Annie
This is a great song for pointe, as a solo or group. Continue with the rags to riches theme.
Everything Is Going To Be Alright- Jesus Christ Superstar
Make this a modern/contemporary dance themed around a sleep over atmosphere. Costume dancers in pajamas and have them dance with large, full body sized pillowcases made of stretchy material. During the harsh parts of the song, have the dancers climb into the pillowcases and dance.
Any Dream Will Do- Josephy And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Dance an upbeat ballet with multi-colored ribbons to end the scene.
Scene III
"The Sound Of Music"
*Dedicate this entire scene to one of the most loved musicals of all. Pick a theme color for the costumes, such as blue, to carry throughout the scene. For scenery, use a winter scene with snowflakes, light up deer, brown paper packages tied up with string, and silver garland.*
A fun dance for little ones, use easy to remember moments that go with the song. Have an older dancer on stage with them to dance the part as Maria.
Lonely Goatherd
Next use dancers that are a year or two older and dance to this fun song. Choose a dance dress that has a criss cross corset look across the bodice.
Favorite Things
Have older dancers do pointe or ballet to My Favorite Things. Continue with the same theme color in the costumes and use long tutus.
So Long Farewell
When done with their dances, have some select younger dancers and one older girl on stage to perform to the famous So Long Farewell song. Have the littlest dancer fall asleep on stage at the end. Have the older girl come back out on stage and carry her off, still sleeping, as the curtain comes down on scene III.
Act II
Scene IV
"Dancing In The Country"
Willamania- The Will Rodger Follies
Use a cowgirl theme with glittery cowboy hats. Tap to this energetic song from the Will Rodger Follies.
Good Morning- From Singing In The Rain
Have intermediate students tap dance to this fun classic
Bushel And A Peck- Guys and Dolls
Here's a easy dance to choreograph for the youngest dancers. Dress them in matching multicolored country girl dress with a big bow in their hair. Have them push out toy wheelbarrows filled with fake flowers and vegetables.
This is an audience paricipation piece of choreography. Have the girls that did the Willamania dance come back out stage and stand all across the front of the stage. In silence, have them rub there hands together making a soft noise. Without talking have the girls make gestures to get the audience to do it along with them. Then have the girls hold up two fingers on one hand and start lightly drumming those fingers on the opposite palm of their hand. The audience will follow. Then have the dancers start clapping at a light quick pace while the audience continues to do the same. Then have the dancers start alternating fast, loud clapping on their thighs. As the audiences follows along this process will sound like a developing rainstorm. Then have the dancers continue to lead the sequence backwards to portray the rainstorm ending. This idea is unique and fun.
Singing In The Rain
To follow with the theme of rain in the country, have dancers tap to Singing In The Rain with matching raincoats and umbrellas.
Bring the energy back up with a lively dance to the theme song from the musical Oklahoma. Dress dancers in ginham check.
Favorite Son- Will Rodger Follies
End the scene with a lively rendition of the fun Favorite Son song from the Will Rodgers Follies. Have the dancers wear red, white, and blue campaign style hats. You do not need to incorporate tamborines into the hats like the original broadway dance. Incorporate your own choreography around the soundeffects in the music.
Scene V
"Fun Favorites"
When You're A Jet- Divide a jazz class in half or use two different classes to make up the dueling sides of the jets and the sharks from the musical West Side Story. Incorporate fun competition between the two sides with lots of tricks. Costume dancers in matching pants and different colored shirts.
Use a remixed dance version of compiled songs from the musical grease. Costume dancers in a cool hot pink and black leather look.
Don't Cry For Me Argentina- Evita
Dance to the dance mix of this song by Madonna. Costume dancers in longer spanish costumes. You could also use black fans for props.
Dentist- Little Shop Of Horrors
This is a different idea for a comical solo. Have the dancer wear a basic medical scrubs.
Scene VI
"Everything Gold"
One- A Chorus Line
Choreograph your own version of the famous chorus line routine. Dress dancer in gold leotards and top tail coats. Of course use gold top hats. Even spray the tap shoes gold.
Can't Wait To Be King- Lion King
Younger kids will love this fun song to dance to. Find gold or bright yellow lion costumes to go with the gold theme. If you can't find lion costumes, you can purchase a costume with a detachable tutu and wear the tutu around the face as a lion's mane.
At the end of the previous dance, have the lions stay on stage in stitting positions. At the beginning of the theme song from the musical Hair, have the lions act out the first lyrics of the song. Then have the lions go off stage as the older dancers come on. Have the dancers for this piece wear crazy gold wigs.
Masquerade- Phantom Of The Opera
A nice ballet for intermediate students. Have the dancers dance with masquerade masks on a stick. If you can't find this type of prop, it is easy to make. Buy plain masks and connect them to a thin wooden rod. Decorate the masks with feathers and gems. Remember to have the dancers dresses gold to follow the gold theme of the scene.
Ease On Down The Road- The Wiz
Use the Michael Jackson version of the song from the Wiz movie. Costume dancers in bright yellow and black checks like a taxi cab. Remember the pillowcases the dancers danced inside in scene II? Use black pillow cases for this scene and put yellow bricks on them. Have other dancers dance inside the "yellow brick road" pillowcases behind the main dancers. As the dancers go off stage, have the yellow brick road dancers come foreward and improv like crazy as the curtain closes at the end of the scene.
Grande Finale
Can You Feel A Brand New Day- The Wiz
Use the song from the soundtrack from the wiz movie. Choreograph groups of dancers coming on stage to perform short combinations and taking a bow. By the end, have all your dancers on stage for a dramatic final pose.
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