Shorten Your Recital
Are your recitals just getting to long? Does your audience complain the show is just too long? A 4 hour recital is just too crazy for people to sit through. If you have a lot of dancers and want to significantly shorten your show time, then try this. Use longer pieces of music that are 7 to 12 minutes or more in length. Incorporate multiple classes into one larger dance. Have each class do a different section of the song, have the groups move on and off stage throughout the piece of music, or have all the classes dance together. You could cut the running time of your show significantly. Another idea is to divide your show into two acts. Sell tickets to each act as if they were two different shows on the same day. That way families can see their child dance and not have to sit through an entire show. It will also increase the chance of the audience staying in their seats without getting up to leave early. It will take a little extra thinking on your part to try to get siblings in same families to dance in the same act. Leave an hour inbetween the two acts so that there is a transition time between shows for people to leave and arrive to the auditorium, to drop off and pick up children, and meet, greet, and take photos of their dancer.
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